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ICRA will soon be launching a new labelling engine, platform and classification matrix (mid November 2000). Whilst the new PICS labels will be backwards compatible with RSACi the new ICRA system will be significantly enhanced and as such web authors should be aware. If you would like to be advised when the new labelling engine and on-line rating system go live - please visit and register your interest. Thank you.

If you have been through the rating process before, you can immediately begin the questionnaire NOW.

The RSACi rating system is an open, objective, content-based rating system designed to provide a blocking capability through the web browser. The RSACi rating categories of Sex, Nudity, Language and Violence are based upon specific definitions that guide the rater through a checklist of possible content levels. Our goal is to develop, monitor, and continue to make improvements to RSACi to provide the most objective system possible to meet the needs of the public.

Four Easy Steps in the RSACi Rating Process

  1. First, the webmaster selects the granularity or scope of the item being rated. The RSACi system has the ability to generate labels for an entire site, sections, or even individual pages or files within a site.

  2. Second, a one-page questionnaire requesting demographic information is completed and used to authenticate the address of the website being rated.

  3. Third, four questions are completed to generate a label in each of the four content areas of Sex, Nudity, Language and Violence. In order to determine the level for each content area, the webmaster is asked to go through four one-page checklists of very specific terms about how the content is portrayed. Definitions are provided for all terms used, and it is vital that anyone using the system examine these definitions carefully to make the correct assessment of content. The objectivity of the rating system depends on using the definitions correctly.

  4. Fourth, at the end of the rating process the score in each of the four content categories will be displayed. The PICS meta tag, which can be immediately copied and pasted directly into the header of the web site, will also be displayed. Detailed instructions about how to do this will be shown on the screen and also sent to the rater in a follow-up email message.

RSACi Terms and Conditions

Before receiving the RSACi rating tag at the end of the questionnaire, you will be asked to read and understand the RSACi Terms and Conditions. You may want to view this document drafted by the RSAC attorney before starting the questionnaire in case you need to get approval from someone within your organization before accepting the terms.

RSACi Privacy Policy

ICRA is committed to protecting the privacy of those who register and others who visit this site. Through the registration process certain information related to the registered site must be gathered for authentication purposes including contact details for those responsible for the site. Although we may disclose information related to the registered sites as such, we do not give out information directly linked to an individual, such as name or e-mail. Please see the full text of the privacy policy of ICRA for details.

The registration process is intented for webmasters or people who control websites.

  • If you are a parent, please visit "Using RSAC Ratings" to learn how to control the content your children see.
  • If you are registering a site that you control please continue with this process by choosing whether you're registering a whole site, the branch of a site, or a single page:

Which Would You Like To Register?

Please note, this registration system requires
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or Netscape Navigator 3.0
or higher.

Page Branch Site

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