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These pages are designed to help resolve the most frequently asked questions relating to the RSACi Rating System and provide further points of contact should the need arise.

At present, we are only able to offer this information English. For other languages (Espa˝ol, Franšais, Deutsch etc.) Microsoft's International Support may have your answer.

Please select the appropriate information link below to retrieve the answer to your question.

1.1 What is RSACi?
1.2 What is ICRA?

2. General Information
2.1 How do I enable filtering in my browser?
2.2 I am unable to access some of my favourite sites because they have not rated with RSAC.
2.3 I do not know my password.
2.4 How do I disable filtering in my browser?
2.5 Content Advisor has enabled itself and assigned itself a password;
Internet Explorer is giving me 'Error - missing information" messages when I start the browser;
Content Advisor is not being disabled even after the correct procedure is followed;
Content Advisor is not storing settings or Approved Sites list correctly;
Content Advisor is not filtering any sites, even ones I have marked as Never being accessible through the Approved Sites list.
2.6 I have deleted the hidden file RSACI.RAT by mistake. Where can I get another copy?
2.7 What can I do if I come across illegal or highly unsuitable material on the Internet?

3. Information for Website Developers / Authors
3.1 Where can I get a copy of my Rating TAG if I have deleted it from my web site?
3.2 I got my PICS/RSACi rating tag. How do I apply it to my site?
3.3 How do I test my site and make sure the PICS/RSACi tags are working?
3.4 All of the content on my site is basically the same. What is the easiest way for me to get it rated?
3.5 I have rated my whole site and applied the PICS tag supplied to the index page which is a frameset. Why does the filtering system show my site as unrated?
3.6 Most of my site has similar content, but one or two pages should be rated differently. How should I proceed?
3.7 What's the best way to include ratings tags from more than one organization?
3.8 What's the best way to include ratings tags for more than one domain?
3.9 Where can I get (or link to) the official 'We Rated With RSACi' image?

4. Information for Software Developers / Vendors
4.1 What do I need to do to support Ratings in my Web authoring product?
4.2 What is the definitive answer on how META tags work?

Further Support ...

In the event that we have not answered your question or you feel you need further help, there are several other sources of information available.

Microsoft provides a great deal of online support for Internet Explorer users as follows:

  • A good place to begin your search for help from Microsoft is their Support Directory.
  • Microsoft also offers a Searchable Knowledge Base.
  • For support in other languages and details of telephone support available in countries other than the United States, click here.
  • For telephone support in the United States, click here.
Netscape's NetWatch facility is driven by software held on their own servers, so support for this is more limited. Basic information however can be found here.

If you still don't find the answer you're looking for, feel free to e-mail us with full details of the issue (address below). Please include the following information: Your operating system (Win 95, 98, 2000 etc), browser + version (IE5 / Netscape 4.7 etc.), exact details of the problem and your contact details. Thankyou.


Please note that we are currently only able to respond to queries in English

ę Internet Content Rating Association 2000
All Rights Reserved