Internet Content Rating Association

22 Old Steine, Brighton, Sussex, BN1 1EL, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1273 648332 Fax: +44 (0)1273 648331

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During the course of December 2000 ICRA will be launching an all new labelling engine using a revised and much updated rating schema. Consistant with the old RSACi system the emphasis will be on self labelling by content providers and web masters, however, the new schema reflects a move to a more objective set of questions and greater granularity.

On launching the labelling engine ICRA will also release details on how parents and guardians can upgrade their copy of Internet Explorer to take advantage of the new system - more on that later.

In the mean time, webmasters, parents, guardians and care givers are invited to sign up to be advised as soon as the new system is live on the net. We have also been set a particular challenge of hitting 120,000 registered websites (which also carry the new label) within 3 months of launch - can you help us achieve that figure?

The Internet Content Rating Association is an independent, non-profit organization with offices in the US and Europe. ICRA's aim is to protect children from potentially harmful material while protecting the free speech rights of content providers.

ICRA will provide detailed information on the new system when it is launched in December, meanwhile, please consult the following links for background on elements of the new system:

ICRA Chair Sheridan Scott:

ICRA presentations to the Bertelsmann Template Work Shop, GŁtersloh Sept 2000: Other information

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Internet Content Rating Association

Advance Registration ...



I am keen to learn more about upgrading my browser to use the new ICRA system when details are released

I am a web content provider or webmaster and interested in labelling my site with the new ICRA system as soon as it goes live

© Internet Content Rating Association 2000