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Protecting Kids with Digimarc(TM)

Sign Up Today | What is a Watermark?
How it Works | How to Watermark Your Images
Partners | Protecting Kids with Digimarc" Overview

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How It Works

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The Protecting Kids with Digimarc" program works with content recognition and self-rating solutions, like ICRA Web site labels, to enable filtering solutions to more effectively help make the Internet safer for children.

Content providers can easily and quickly watermark their images with a free Protecting Kids with Digimarc watermarking subscription. These subscriptions include a unique Digimarc ID that content providers can quickly and easily use to embed their images with an Adult Content "flag". As watermarked images travel the Web to newsgroups, e-mail and other web sites, Digimarc-enabled filters are able to recognize these watermarked images and build categorized lists of Web content to provide a safer Internet experience for children.


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