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Protecting Kids with Digimarc(TM)

Sign Up Today | What is a Watermark?
How it Works | How to Watermark Your Images
Partners | Protecting Kids with Digimarc" Overview

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What is a Watermark?

A Digimarc watermark is a special message embedded in an image. Digimarc's software embeds these messages by making subtle changes to the brightness of the pixels in an image. These changes are so subtle that Digimarc watermarks are considered imperceptible.

To help illustrate the impact of a digital watermark, below is a comparison of an original image, a watermarked image, and the result of an image calculation done through Digimarc-enabled application such as Adobe Photoshop®, Corel PHOTO PAINT®, Equilibrium DeBabelizer®, Jasc Paint Shop Pro", Micrografx PicturePublisher®, Ulead Photo Impact® and Xat.com Image Optimizer".

The image calculation allows you to see the changes to the image caused by embedding the watermark. The calculation is created by subtracting the original image from the watermarked image, the result is exaggerated below for illustration purposes.

Original Image

Digimarc Watermarked Image

Exaggerated view of imperceptible Digimarc watermark


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