RSACi Rating - Sex

In order to determine the level of sexual activity, if any, in your content, you will be asked to go through a checklist of very specific terms about how sex is portrayed. Definitions are provided for all terms that must be understood to make the determinations necessary to answer the questions. The definitions are highly specific and the objectivity of the labeling system depends on using them correctly. You are urged to review the definitions before submitting your answer.

Moving through the list below in order from top to bottom, please click the first button of the content descriptor that applies to your content. Does your content portray:

(s4) sex crimes
(s4) explicit sexual acts
(s3) non-explicit sexual acts
(s2) non-explicit sexual touching
(s2) clothed sexual touching
(s1) passionate kissing
(s0) innocent kissing or romance
(s0) none of the above