v03 Filter test page
For your information, the ICRA v03 PICS label for this page is ...
<meta http-equiv="pics-label" content='(pics-1.1 "https://icra.org/pics/vocabularyv03/" l gen false for "https://icra.org/pics/vocabularyv03/test4/" r (n 3 s 3 v 3 l 3 oa 2 ob 2 oc 2 od 2 oe 2 of 2 og 2 oh 2 c 3))' />
This label declares:
- Unrestricted nudity: Nudity of any kind in any context, although this does not imply sexual content which is described separately
- Unrestricted sexual material: Sexual material of any kind, in any context, although this does not include sexual violence, which is described separately
- Unrestricted violence: Violence of any kind in any context, including assault/rape
- Unrestricted offensive language: Abusive or vulgar terms, profanity, swearing, or mild expletives in any context, although this does not include sexual language, which is described separately
- Unrestricted depiction of tobacco use: Depiction of tobacco use in any context
- Unrestricted depiction of alcohol use: Depiction of alcohol use in any context
- Unrestricted depiction of drug use: Depiction of drug use in any context
- Unrestricted depiction of weapon use: Depiction of weapon use in any context
- Unrestricted depiction of gambling: Depiction of gambling in any context
- Unrestricted depiction of content that sets a bad example for young children: Content that sets a bad example for young children, teaching or encouraging children to perform harmful acts or imitate dangerous behaviour, in any context
- Unrestricted depiction of content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror or psychological terror: Content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror or psychological terror in any context
- Unrestricted depiction of incitement/depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group: Incitement/depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, religious or national identity in any context
- Unrestricted user-generated content: Unmoderated user-generated content such as chat rooms and message boards in any context
Please note that while the categories Nudity, Sexual material, Offensive language and User-Generated Content have 4 levels--None, Limited, Some and Unrestricted--the 'Other' categories (drugs, gambling, wepaons, etc) have only 3: None, Limited and Unrestricted.