Useful links

Across the world there are many organizations working to improve internet safety through a wide variety of means. Below we have provided links to some of them and we keep adding new ones all the time. ICRA does not have any formal relationship with the majority of organizations listed here but does recognize the important contribution they make.


Safer Internet

English Italiano Espanol Portuguese Deutsch Francais Suomeksi Greek Dansk Svenska Nederland
This is the news site for the European Union's Internet Action Plan in which ICRA is a participant. Available in all major European languages, it's an excellent first stop for finding out what is being done across Europe and elsewhere to improve internet safety.



English Espanol Deutsch Francais Dansk Svenska Nederland Norsk
The INHOPE Association exists to facilitate cooperation between European internet Hotline providers. Its mission is to eliminate child pornography from the internet and protect young people from harmful and illegal uses of the Internet.

If you come across illegal material on the internet, particularly in Europe, this is the best starting point for contacting the organizations working to eliminate such material from the internet.



English Espanol
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children operates many services for the benefit of children including an internet hotline service - the CyberTipline.

If you come across illegal material on the internet in the USA, this is the first organization to turn to.


Surf Safely

"Family Friendly" search engine. Only sites that are labelled with ICRA or other PICS-based rating services as having no potentially harmful or offensive content are included in this search engine.


Childnet International

English Espanol Deutsch Francais
Childnet is a non-profit organization working around the world to help make the internet a great place for children. They run projects in 4 key areas of Access, Awareness, Protection and Policy. They also organize the annual Cable & Wireless Childnet Awards.


Net Mom

Net Mom's internet safe house! This site contains lots of information and links for families, as well as the chance to buy Jean Armour Polly's best selling book "Net-mom's Internet Kids & Family Yellow Pages"


Quick Links

English Italiano Espanol Portuguese Deutsch Francais Suomeksi Greek Dansk Svenska Nederland
Links to news items about legal and regulatory aspects of Internet and the information society, particularly those relating to information content, and market and technology. The site carries frequent updates, an events page, news items organised by category as well as chronologically by issue and full text search.

The official website of the EU's Internet Action Plan. Includes details of all projects carried out under this initiative, several of which are mentioned below.

Italiano Espanol
A joint venture between UNICEF's Comité Español, Asociazione Centro Elis and Optenet to promote safer use of the internet through awareness campaigns in Italy and Spain.

Das Internet-ABC ist eine neue und werbefreie Plattform für den Einstieg ins Internet. Hier finded Kinder, Eltern und Pädagogen Tipps für den sicheren und kreativen Umgang mit dem Internet.

Ein Projekt der Bertelsmann Stiftung, der Landesanstalt für Rundfunk NRW und der Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung.



Francais English (under construction)
Le projet Educaunet va proposer une ensemble d'outils et supports pour accompagner adultes, parents enseignants, enfants et jeunes. Pierre angulaire de ce dispositif multiple, le site est désormais en pleine phase de conception expérimentale.

Partenaires Media Animation, Clemi Ministère de l'éucation and Université catholique de Louvain.



English Francais
The Once Project has set out to empower parents, teachers and carers by giving them the knowledge they need to educate children to navigate safely on the Internet. This will be achieved by facilitating communication and exchange via discussion forums. Furthermore, the aim is to raise awareness of the positive aspects of the Internet by inviting parents and teachers to compile a database of web sites that they would recommend for children.

This is a joint project under the EU Internet Action Plan being carried out by The University of Central Lancashire, Faculties Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix and The National Centre for Technology in Eduaction at Dublin University.


Le Forum des droits sur l'internet

Structure permanente de dialogue, Le Forum organise l’échange et la concertation entre les utilisateurs, les acteurs économiques et les instances publiques sur les questions de droit et de société liées aux réseaux.

Le Forum est investi de trois grandes missions : la concertation entre les acteurs, l'information et la sensibilisation du public et la coopération internationale.


Get Net Wise

The Internet offers kids many opportunities for learning, constructive entertainment, and personal growth. At the same time, parents are concerned about the risks kids face online. The challenge for parents is to educate themselves and their children about how to use the Internet safely. GetNetWise can help.



English Deutsch Francais
The .SAFE project is a pilot across the 23 member countries of the European SchoolNet ( There is a general commitment to the project among the partners, because it addresses real needs. They will be involved at different stages, notably information gathering and dissemination. A core set of ten contrasting countries, schools, projects and agencies is involved formally in the project.


Self Regulation

The Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at the University of Oxford (PCMLP) at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies is undertaking a three-year research project under the European Commission's Internet Action Plan. The study, referred to as "" aims to conduct research into self-regulatory efforts in various media in Europe and will also assist self-regulatory bodies in developing and implementing their codes of conduct.