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Alpha download Version 4Last updated Monday 16th June InstructionsNB This alpha version is a snapshot of the current development and intended for users familiar with the terms used. If you don't understand the instructions, don't do the download! This will work on Win 98 - Win XP (and Win 95 with Winsock 2 installed). Users of the final product will not be asked to configure their browser to use a proxy server - this is the alpha demo, no more! Before starting to install:
Installation process:
After rebooting the computer, some comments before we continue:
General Comments. Please read carefully before installing:
And before you install, here are the insyructions you'll need after you've finished! UninstallingUse Add/Remove Programs and uninstall SIFT. This will automatically uninstall Optenet as well. But Beware... During uninstall, you will be asked if you want to reboot after Optenet has uninstalled. Say NO. Allow Sift to complete its uninstall, THEN reboot. OK, here's the download URL: Download ICRAplus (SIFT) alpha version 4.