Nudity and sexual material |
na 1 |
Erections and female genitals in details |
nb 1 |
Male genitals |
nc 1 |
Female genitals |
nd 1 |
Female breasts |
ne 1 |
Bare buttocks |
nf 1 |
Explicit sexual acts |
ng 1 |
Obscured or implied sexual acts |
nh 1 |
Visible sexual touching |
ni 1 |
Passionate kissing |
nr 1 |
appears in an artistic context and is suitable for young children |
ns 1 |
appears in an educational context and is suitable for young children |
nt 1 |
appears in a medical context and is suitable for young children |
nz 0 |
Nudity or sexual material may, but is not known, to be present |
nz 1 |
No nudity or sexual material |
Violence |
va 1 |
Sexual violence/rape |
vb 1 |
Blood and gore, human beings |
vc 1 |
Blood and gore, animals |
vd 1 |
Blood and gore, fantasy characters (including animation) |
ve 1 |
Killing of human beings |
vf 1 |
Killing of animals |
vg 1 |
Killing of fantasy characters (including animation) |
vh 1 |
Deliberate injury to human beings |
vi 1 |
Deliberate injury to animals |
vj 1 |
Deliberate injury to fantasy characters (including animation) |
vk 1 |
Deliberate damage to objects |
vr 1 |
appears in an artistic context and is suitable for young children |
vs 1 |
appears in an educational context and is suitable for young children |
vt 1 |
appears in a medical context and is suitable for young children |
vu 1 |
appears in a sports context |
vz 0 |
Violence may, but is not known to, be present |
vz 1 |
No violence |
Language |
la 1 |
Explicit sexual language |
lb 1 |
Crude words or profanity |
lc 1 |
Mild expletives |
lz 0 |
Potentially offensive language may, but is not known to, be present |
lz 1 |
No potentially offensive language |
Other topics |
oa 1 |
Promotion of tobacco use |
ob 1 |
Promotion of alcohol use |
oc 1 |
Promotion of drug use |
od 1 |
Gambling |
oe 1 |
Promotion of weapon use |
of 1 |
Promotion of discrimination or harm against people |
og 1 |
Material that might be perceived as setting a bad example for young children |
oh 1 |
Material that might disturb young children |
oz 0 |
Topics in this section may, but are not known to, be present |
oz 1 |
None of the "Other topics" |
Chat |
ca 1 |
Unmoderated chat |
cb 1 |
Moderated chat suitable for children and teens |
cz 0 |
Chat facilities may, but are not known to, be present |
cz 1 |
No chat facilities |