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The table below shows the code for each ICRA descriptor. Below that is the equivalent table for the original vocabulary published in 2000.


na 1 Exposed breasts
nb 1 Bare buttocks
nc 1 Visible genitals
nz 0 Nudity may be, but is not known to be, present
nz 1 No nudity
Sexual material
sa 1 Passionate kissing
sb 1 Obscured or implied sexual acts
sc 1 Visible sexual touching
sd 1 Explicit sexual language
se 1 Erections/explicit sexual acts
sf 1 Erotica
sz 0 Sexual material may be, but is not known to be, present
sz 1 No sexual material
va 1 Assault/rape
vb 1 Injury to human beings
vc 1 Injury to animals
vd 1 Injury to fantasy characters (including animation)
ve 1 Blood and dismemberment, human beings
vf 1 Blood and dismemberment, animals
vg 1 Blood and dismemberment, fantasy characters (including animation)
vh 1 Torture or killing of human beings
vi 1 Torture or killing of animals
vj 1 Torture or killing of fantasy characters (including animation)
vz 0 Violence may be, but is not known to be, present
vz 1 No violence
la 1 Abusive or vulgar terms
lb 1 Profanity or swearing
lc 1 Mild expletives
lz 0 Potentially offensive language may be, but is not known to be, present
lz 1 No potentially offensive language
Potentially harmful activities
oa 1 Depiction of tobacco use
ob 1 Depiction of alcohol use
oc 1 Depiction of drug use
od 1 Depiction of the use of weapons
oe 1 Gambling
of 1 Content that sets a bad example for young children: that teaches or encourages children to perform harmful acts or imitate dangerous behaviour
og 1 Content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror, or psychological terror
oh 1 Incitement or depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, religious or national identity
oz 0 Potentially harmful activities may be, but are not known to be, depicted
oz 1 No potentially harmful activities
User generated content
ca 1 User-generated content such as chat rooms and message boards (moderated)
cb 1 User-generated content such as chat rooms and message boards (unmoderated)
cz 0 User generated content may be, but is not known to be, present
cz 1 No user-generated content
xa 1 This material appears in an artistic context
xb 1 This material appears in an educational context
xc 1 This material appears in a medical context
xd 1 This material appears in a sports context
xe 1 This material appears in a news context

Legacy PICS vocabulary

In order to facilitate filtering for parents using PICS filters (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer's Content Advisor), since April 2006 ICRA has also provided a simplified PICS interpretation of the current vocabulary alongside the RDF labels.

n 0 No nudity: no bare buttocks, breasts or genitals in any context
n 1 Limited nudity: bare buttocks and/or breasts in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context. No genitals in any context.
n 2 Some nudity: bare buttocks and/or bare breasts in any context; genitals only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
n 3 Unrestricted nudity: nudity of any kind in any context, although this does not imply sexual content, which is described separately
Sexual material
s 0 No sexual material: no passionate kissing, obscured or implied sexual acts, no visible sexual touching, no explicit sexual language, no erections or explicit sexual acts, no erotica in any context
s 1 Limited sexual material: obscured or implied sexual acts and visible sexual touching may appear in an artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context. Passionate kissing may appear in any context. No explicit sexual language, no erections or explicit sexual acts, and no erotica in any context
s 2 Some sexual material: obscured or implied sexual acts, visible sexual touching, and passionate kissing may appear in any context. Explicit sexual language, erotica, erections or explicit sexual acts only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
s 3 Unrestricted sexual material: sexual material of any kind, in any context, although this does not include sexual violence, which is described separately
v 0 No violence: no assault/rape; no injury, torture, killing or blood and dismemberment of humans, animals or fantasy characters (including animation) in any context
v 1 Limited violence: injury, torture, killing or blood and dismemberment of fantasy characters (including animation) only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context. No injury, torture, killing or blood and dismemberment of humans in any context. No assault/rape
v 2 Some violence: injury, torture, killing or blood and dismemberment of fantasy characters (including animation) in any context. Injury, torture, killing or blood and dismemberment of humans or animals only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context. No assault/rape
v 3 Unrestricted violence: violence of any kind in any context, including assault/rape
l 0 No offensive language: no abusive or vulgar terms, no profanity or swearing, no mild expletives in any context
l 1 Limited offensive language: no abusive or vulgar terms in any context. Profanity, swearing, or mild expletives only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
l 2 Some offensive language: abusive or vulgar terms only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context. Crude words, profanity or mild expletives in any context
l 3 Unrestricted offensive language: abusive or vulgar terms, profanity, swearing, or mild expletives in any context, although this does not include sexual language, which is described separately
Depiction of tobacco use
oa 0 No depiction of tobacco use: no depiction of tobacco use in any context
oa 1 Limited depiction of tobacco use: depiction of tobacco use only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
oa 2 Unrestricted depiction of tobacco use: depiction of tobacco use in any context
Depiction of alcohol use
ob 0 No depiction of alcohol use: no depiction of alcohol use in any context
ob 1 Limited depiction of alcohol use: depiction of alcohol use only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
ob 2 Unrestricted depiction of alcohol use: depiction of alcohol use in any context
Depiction of drug use
oc 0 No depiction of drug use: no depiction of drug use in any context
oc 1 Limited depiction of drug use: depiction of drug use only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
oc 2 Unrestricted depiction of drug use: depiction of drug use in any context
Depiction of weapon use
od 0 No depiction of weapon use: no depiction of weapon use in any context
od 1 Limited depiction of weapon use: depiction of weapon use only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
od 2 Unrestricted depiction of weapon use: depiction of weapon use in any context
Depiction of gambling
oe 0 No depiction of gambling: no depiction of gambling in any context
oe 1 Limited depiction of gambling: depiction of gambling only in artistic, medical, educational or news context
oe 2 Unrestricted depiction of gambling: depiction of gambling in any context
Content that sets a bad example for young children: that teaches or encourages children to perform harmful acts or imitate dangerous behaviour
of 0 No content that sets a bad example for young children: no content that sets a bad example for young children, that teaches or encourages children to perform harmful acts or imitate dangerous behaviour, in any context
of 1 Limited content that sets a bad example for young children: content that sets a bad example for young children, that teaches or encourages children to perform harmful acts or imitate dangerous behaviour, only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
of 2 Unrestricted content that sets a bad example for young children: content that sets a bad example for young children, that teaches or encourages children to perform harmful acts or imitate dangerous behaviour, in any context
Content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror or psychological terror
og 0 No content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror or psychological terror: no content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror or psychological terror in any context
og 1 Limited content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror or psychological terror: content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror or psychological terror only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
og 2 Unrestricted content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror or psychological terror: content that creates feelings of fear, intimidation, horror or psychological terror in any context
Incitement or depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, religious or national identity
oh 0 No incitement or depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group: no incitement or depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, religious or national identity in any context
oh 1 Limited incitement or depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group: incitement or depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, religious or national identity only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
oh 2 Unrestricted incitement or depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group: incitement or depiction of discrimination or harm against any individual or group based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, religious or national identity in any context
User generated content
c 0 No user-generated content: no user-generated content such as chat rooms and message boards in any context
c 1 Limited user-generated content: moderated user-generated content such as chat rooms and message boards content in any context
c 2 Some user-generated content: moderated user-generated content such as chat rooms and message boards in any context. Unmoderated user-generated content only in artistic, medical, educational, sports or news context
c 3 Unrestricted user-generated content: unmoderated user-generated content such as chat rooms and message boards in any context

Original (2000) ICRA vocabulary

The table below shows the codes for the ICRA vocabulary used between 2000 and June 2005. The original definitions are also available.

Nudity and sexual material
na 1 Erections and female genitals in details
nb 1 Male genitals
nc 1 Female genitals
nd 1 Female breasts
ne 1 Bare buttocks
nf 1 Explicit sexual acts
ng 1 Obscured or implied sexual acts
nh 1 Visible sexual touching
ni 1 Passionate kissing
nr 1 appears in an artistic context and is suitable for young children
ns 1 appears in an educational context and is suitable for young children
nt 1 appears in a medical context and is suitable for young children
nz 0 Nudity or sexual material may, but is not known, to be present
nz 1 No nudity or sexual material
va 1 Sexual violence/rape
vb 1 Blood and gore, human beings
vc 1 Blood and gore, animals
vd 1 Blood and gore, fantasy characters (including animation)
ve 1 Killing of human beings
vf 1 Killing of animals
vg 1 Killing of fantasy characters (including animation)
vh 1 Deliberate injury to human beings
vi 1 Deliberate injury to animals
vj 1 Deliberate injury to fantasy characters (including animation)
vk 1 Deliberate damage to objects
vr 1 appears in an artistic context and is suitable for young children
vs 1 appears in an educational context and is suitable for young children
vt 1 appears in a medical context and is suitable for young children
vu 1 appears in a sports context
vz 0 Violence may, but is not known to, be present
vz 1 No violence
la 1 Explicit sexual language
lb 1 Crude words or profanity
lc 1 Mild expletives
lz 0 Potentially offensive language may, but is not known to, be present
lz 1 No potentially offensive language
Other topics
oa 1 Promotion of tobacco use
ob 1 Promotion of alcohol use
oc 1 Promotion of drug use
od 1 Gambling
oe 1 Promotion of weapon use
of 1 Promotion of discrimination or harm against people
og 1 Material that might be perceived as setting a bad example for young children
oh 1 Material that might disturb young children
oz 0 Topics in this section may, but are not known to, be present
oz 1 None of the "Other topics"
ca 1 Unmoderated chat
cb 1 Moderated chat suitable for children and teens
cz 0 Chat facilities may, but are not known to, be present
cz 1 No chat facilities

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