Director Netherlands Board of Film Classification / part-time teacher

Cornelius Crans has been the director of the Netherlands Board of Film Classification ( since 1989. Prior to that, from 1985 to 1989, he was chairman of the Board for the same organisation. The Netherlands Board of Film Classification is governement based though functions independently. The classifications mainly focuss on film and television. In recent years, however, Cornelius Crans has been able to broaden the perspective to a more European approach towards media classification and has since been a valuable contributor in multiple steering groups (German Kuratorium, International Film Regulators Group and INCORE).

Crans studied social science and is currently in the process of graduating at the University of Erasmus in Culture Science. His main point of interest is Media. His publications include:

  • In the Margin of Tolerance: The Netherlands Board of Film Classification at the end of the 20th Century
  • Film Censorship by the Governement: The Netherlands Board of Film Classification as an Instrument of a Culture Policy

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