Internet Content Rating Association
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Dernières nouvelles et informations de l'ICRA

Ceci est le point de départ d'un large éventail d'informations sur l'ICRA. Sélectionnez le lien approprié dans la liste ci-dessous.

11 October 2006 RuleSpace Joins ICRA to Promote Internet Safety
21 July 2006 ICRA and Verizon Continue Partnership to Make the Internet Safer for Children
14 July 2006 Kingston Communications joins ICRA to help make the internet safer for children
12 July 2006 Website Rating And Advisory Council Uses ICRA Labeling To Power New ParentalControl Bar
12 June 2006 PFF and ICRA Hold Joint Brussels Roundtable; EU Commissioner Viviane Reding to Offer Opening Address
15 May 2006 Vivid Entertainment Uses ICRA labelling To Help Make The Internet Safer For Children
15 May 2006 Editions Profil annonce un partenariat avec l’ICRA pour la promotion et la diffusion du logiciel Parental Filter
26 April 2006 Tribal Fusion And ICRA Partnership Affirms Importance of Privacy and Quality Standards
21 April 2006 ICRA responds to US Child Pornography and Obscenity Bill
9 February 2006 W3C Launches Incubator Activity
Le W3C lance l'activité Incubateur
24 October 2005 Microsoft Signs Licensing Agreement With ICRA To Enable Use Of Leading Global Labelling System.
13 October 2005 O2 to become the first company to win web trust mark.
13 October 2005 O2 marks its community awards by becoming the first company to win web trust certification.
12 July 2005 ICRA Unveils New System To Make Internet Safer.
30 June 2005 ICRA CEO Stephen Balkam Relocates To Washington DC.
8 June 2005 CompTIA Joins ICRA To Promote Child Protection & Free Speech Through Self Regulation Of The Internet.
30 May 2005 Verizon Foundation Delivers $70k Grant To ICRA, Supporting the Development of a Safer Internet.
7 April 2005 IQUA to Represent ICRA in Spain.
7 de abril de 2005 La Agencia de Calidad de Internet Firma un Acuerdo Con la Asociación ICRA Para Proteger a los Menores en Internet.
15 January 2005 ICRA CEO To Speak At Key Seminar At 3GSM World Congress in Cannes.
22 October 2004 QUATRO: The Online Quality Assurance Project Launched.
16 Octobre 2004 Zenbow : L'Internet en toute sérénité pour les enfants et les parents. Le premier produit de sécurité au monde à avoir reçu le label de l'ICRA
17 August 2004 New Microsoft Front Page Add-In Helps Website Authors Make The Internet Safer For Children
16 August 2004 Inmedia supports ICRA
10 June 2004 GSMA Joins Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA), Tom Phillips appointed chairman of ICRA Board & Executive
9 December 2003 Cable & Wireless extends support for internet safety
11 November 2003 European Project Empowers Internet Users with the Release of ICRAplus
22 July 2003 Eco ist jetzt Local Representative von ICRA für deutschsprachige Länder

Eco to be ICRA representative in German speaking countries

10 June 2003 Hong Kong to introduce Internet content rating system
16 December 2002 ICRA to Launch Campaign for A Safer Internet Community
16 October 2002 iGGBA adopts ICRA standard for parental controls on I-Gaming
23 May 2002 Congressman Bob Goodlatte introduces legislation to make the internet safer for children. (PDF format)
21 March 2002 Internet industry leaders gather for the launch of ICRAfilter.
6 March 2002 Adult industry leaders unite to protect children from inappropriate content.
13 December 2000 ICRA Launches New System to Make the Internet Safer for Children
ICRA präsentiert neues System zum Jugendschutz im Internet
ICRA lance un système permettant aux enfants d'utiliser l'Internet en toute sécurité
ICRA lanza un sistema para conseguir que Internet sea un lugar seguro para los niños

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