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Case Study: Tiscali

Tiscali logo Tiscali joined ICRA in March 2002, recognising that the desire to filter content is an issue of growing importance among their users across Europe. Indeed, many potential family users are reluctant to go online for fear of exposing members of their household to unsuitable content. Media that once talked about the internet Gold Rush now talk of issues such as violence on the internet.

Different divisions within Tiscali have used different methods to add ICRA ratings to some or all of their content. In France, where Tiscali’s work with ICRA is coordinated, the servers have been configured to include ICRA labels in the HTTP Response Headers. Tiscali was among the first to prove this method. Conversely in the UK, a meta tag is included in the template which is written into every page. (see screen shots below)

For full details of professional website labelling, please click here.

Screen grab showing HTTP Response headers from www.tiscali.fr
HTTP Response headers from www.tiscali.fr including ICRA label

Screen shot showing ICRA label delivered as a meta tag in the template used for each page on www.tiscali.co.uk
ICRA label delivered in an HTML meta tag included in Tiscali UK's template

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