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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These pages are designed to help resolve the most frequently asked questions relating to the ICRA rating system and its RSACi forerunner. The FAQs are divided into three sections: 1. general information; 2. information for internet users, particularly parents of young children; and 3. webmasters.

At present, we are only able to offer this information English, German, French and Italian For other languages, Microsoft's International Support may have your answer.

Please select the appropriate information link below to retrieve the answer to your question.

The answers to the FAQs are also available in pdf format for easy printing using Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download the appropriate file, click the appropriate link below:

Get Acrobat Reader


1 About the Internet Content Rating Association


What is ICRA?


What is RSACi?


2 Information for internet users


How do I use the ICRA system?


I am unable to access some of my favourite sites because they are unrated. What can I do?


I've just found an offensive site, how come it's not labelled?


I do not know my password, what can I do?


How do I change my password?


How do I disable filtering in my browser?


Internet Explorer is giving me 'Error - missing information" messages when I start the browser;
Content Advisor has enabled itself and assigned itself a password;
Content Advisor is not being disabled even after the correct procedure is followed;
Content Advisor is not storing settings or Approved Sites list correctly;
Content Advisor is not filtering any sites, even ones I have marked as Never being accessible through the Approved Sites list.


I have deleted the hidden file icra.rat or Rsaci.rat by mistake. Where can I get another copy?


3 Information for webmasters


I've got my ICRA label. How do I apply it to my site?


Where can I get a copy of my ICRA label if I have deleted it from my web site?


How do I re-rate my site and get a new label?


How does different filtering software read ICRA labels?


What are the different elements in an ICRA label?


How do I label a more complex site?
I've labelled my site but I get an error message similar to "The label found on this site is intended for another one." What's going on?


Most of my site has similar content, but one or two pages should be labelled differently. How should I proceed?


What's the best way to include labels from more than one organization?


My site has hundreds of pages built dynamically from a database. How do I rate all the content without having to fill in the questionnaire every time?


My domain redirects visitors to a different url where the site is actually hosted, how should I proceed?


My site won't be live until later than I said on the old questionnaire. What can I do?


How do I "decode" an ICRA label?


My HTML editor has swapped "<" and ">" for "&lt" and "&gt" in my label. Why and what should I do?


I am web master for tens or hundreds of different sites, all of which need the same rating. I don't want to fill in the form every time! What should I do?


Further Support ...

In the event that we have not answered your question or you feel you need further help, there are several other sources of information available.

Microsoft provides a great deal of online support for Internet Explorer users as follows:

  • A good place to begin your search for help from Microsoft is their Support Directory.
  • Microsoft also offers a Searchable Knowledge Base.
  • For support in other languages and details of telephone support available in countries other than the United States, click here.
  • For telephone support in the United States, click here.

If you still don't find the answer you're looking for, feel free to e-mail us with full details of the issue (address below). Please include the following information: Your operating system (Win 95, 98, ME, 2000 etc.), browser + version (IE5, IE6, Netscape 4.x, Opera etc.), exact details of the problem and your contact details.

Your name
Your e-mail address
Subject of your enquiry

You will receive an automated response by return. This will be followed by a personal response within 5 days. The vast majority of all queries are answered by referring the correspondent to this FAQ page!

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