Rating your site

General Information

Information gathered here includes the basic data about your site required to create the label, and a little about yourself for statistical purposes. We would request that all fields are completed, including the name of your company if applicable.

Please note. The questionnaire stores your answers on your computer in a cookie. This enables you to check and amend the form before you submit the data to ICRA. If you have disabled cookies, please re-enable their use while you complete the rating process. No additional data is captured or transmitted to ICRA by their use.

Thank you

The questionnaire and help information is also available in several additional languages, however these are only available as a guide. Please use the questionnaire on this (English) page to label your site.




Is this label for ...

An entire site e.g. https://icra.org [ Help ]
A branch or directory e.g. https://icra.org/support/ [ Help ]
A single page e.g. https://icra.org/support/index.html [ Help ]

URL / Web site Address:
Company/ Organization:

Please indicate here whether your site is live now or is currently being developed offline and will be activated sometime in the future, in which case, please give the date you expect to go live.

This site is live now
This site is being developed off line and goes live:

Content Information

The following section, which should be completed as accurately as possible, is designed to capture information about the content of your site. Please check the appropriate boxes and leave blank those that do not apply.

  • Nudity and Sexual Material [Help]

  • Please indicate which of the following appears on your site, in images, portrayals or descriptions:

Erections or female genitals in detail
Male genitals
Female genitals
Female breasts
Bare buttocks
Explicit sexual acts
Obscured or implied sexual acts
Visible sexual touching
Passionate kissing
None of the above

Context - This material ... [Help]
appears in a context intended to be artistic and is suitable for young children
appears in a context intended to be educational and is suitable for young children
appears in a context intended to be medical and is suitable for young children

  • Violence [Help]

  • Please indicate which of the following appears on your site, in images, portrayals or descriptions:

Sexual violence / rape
Blood and gore, human beings
Blood and gore, animals
Blood and gore, fantasy characters (including animation)
Killing of human beings
Killing of animals
Killing of fantasy characters (including animation)
Deliberate injury to human beings
Deliberate injury to animals
Deliberate injury to fantasy characters (including animation)
Deliberate damage to objects
None of the above

Context - This material ... [Help]
appears in a context intended to be artistic and is suitable for young children
appears in a context intended to be educational and is suitable for young children
appears in a context intended to be medical and is suitable for young children
only appears in a sports related context

  • Language

  • Please indicate which of the following appears on your site:

Explicit sexual language
Crude words or profanity
Mild expletives
None of the above

  • Other topics [Help]

  • Please indicate which of the following appears on your site, in images, portrayals or descriptions:

Promotion of tobacco use
Promotion of alcohol use
Promotion of drug use
Promotion of weapon use
Promotion of discrimination or harm against people
Material that might be perceived as setting a bad example for young children
Material that might disturb young children
None of the above

  • Chat [Help]

  • Please indicate which of the following appears on your site:

Only moderated chat suitable for children and teens
None of the above

Service And System Updates
From time to time ICRA and selected partners will publish service updates and industry news. Please indicate which lists would be most beneficial to you by checking the appropriate boxes below.

I would like to be advised of ICRA system updates and service news.
I would be interested in receiving industry related information from ICRA and selected partners.