Block/allow content types

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This single page is the heart of ICRAplus! By making your selections on this page you can make detailed choices about what types of content you do or do not want members of your family to see. Alternatively, you can use a "filtering template" as a shortcut to those choices.

Manual configuration

The list of questions on this page is a mirror image of the one used by webmasters to label their content using the ICRA system. A site that is "labelled with ICRA" will carry a special machine-readable piece of code that declares which of those types of content are present. The questionnaire was designed to cover as many areas of concern across as many cultures possible.

At the end of each section in the questionnaire, you'll see an option to "only allow if none of the above." If you select this option, ICRAplus will look for a label on the site that makes a positive declaration that all the other features in that section are absent. Those other options will therefore be disabled. If you want to make a more detailed selection, de-select the "only allow if none of the above" option and then make individual choices about whether each type of content should be blocked or allowed.

Notice that the nudity and sexual material section, and the violence section both have context descriptors. This enables you to allow certain types of content in some contexts and not in others.

Using a template

Rather than go through the full ICRA questionnaire, you may prefer to use an installed filter as a "template." Rules about what types of content should and shouldn't be allowed are part of every filter available for use with ICRAplus. You can use these as an effective shortcut to setting up the system.

The drop-down list will show you what filters are available for use in this way. If you choose to use one of these, the manual configuration options will be disabled.

Remember that you can see all filters available for use with ICRAplus by going to "Find new filters." Filters that are designed for use as templates in this part of ICRAplus will make this clear in their descriptions.